Aff No. 2132926 | S. Code : 70573 | Affiliated to 10+2 Senior Secondary CBSE, New Delhi | Countersigned Transfer Certificate
Parents/Guardian will submit the application for registration of Class Nursery to X on the prescribed form available in office in the month of March.
Admission of New Student to Class Nursery to X in the school shall be made during the last week of March or 1st week of April.
Admission test will be conducted by the school on the dates notified by the principal.
Admission will be allowed after a pupil qualifies in the test and submits the transfer certificate of the previous school along with the progress report of the last examination passed.
The admission Test shall be held in the following subject The standard of the admission test will be of the level of the annual examination of the class preceding that to which admission is sought (a) Primary (I to V) English, Hindi, Math (b) Class (VI to X) English, Hindi, Math and General Science.
The principal will arrange the admission test and his/her decision on admission will be final.
If on the administration of admission test for admission to a particular class, a pupil is found unsuitable for the class, this shall not entitle the pupil for admission to the next lower class automatically without an admission test.
A pupil who fails once in the annual examination may be admitted to the same class in the next session. A pupil who fails twice in the annual examination shall not be admitted even in special cases.
The pupil should complete the age of 5 years before 31st March of the year for admission to class I but he/she should not be more than 7 years. The age for admission to other classes will be regulated accordingly.