Norms of Promotion

Schools Norms of Promotion

    The school is following the course priscribed by the central board of secondry education,New Delhi.

1. Playway to UKG:English,Hindi,Numbers,gk.,Moral Science ,Rhymes ,Drawing & Creative activities.
2. Class 1st to Vth :English (Reading,Writing,Conversation and Dictation),Hindi,Rhymes(English & Hindi),Mathematics,General Science,General Knowledge,Moral Science,Sanskrit (only in class V)and Computer Education. Note:from class 2nd Drawing, Painting/SUPW and Drillare included.
3. Class 6th to 8th English ,Hindi, Mathematics,Science,( Physics,Chemistry, Biology),Geography ,Social Science ,Computer Education, General knowledge, Art and Craft/SUPW and Physical Education. Co-Curricular activities also have the equal importance.

Norms of Promotion

  • There shall be no formal examination for students of Pre Nursery, Nursery to VIII
  • The Report cards of the children will be based on the assessment/evaluation done by their teachers on the basis of day to day observation (Nur. to VIII) and on the basis of weekly tests (for Classes II & VIII)
  • Due credit would be given to regularity, punctuality, regular and timely submission of assignments and home-work as well as neatness. Two marks shall be reserved for neatness and presentation in every weekly test. Marks will be deducted for work which is untidy and illegible.
  • All SUPW/activities opted by the student will be performance oriented. Every child should score a satisfactory grade in the same.
  • The school aims at child-centric education with holistic development of every child. Therefore, we intend to provide a platform for all children to participate in a minimum of two events/competitions in one year. Kindly co-operate with us and encourage your child to participate.


Truth, Beauty, Symmerty.... :)